The St Giles' Tour |
The Chancel
Beyond the Rood Screen, the chancel, and everything becomes even more rich and colourful. The predominant theme here is the glory of heaven, and this is conveyed through the ubiquitous figures of the Holy Angels who appear on the wall-paintings and cornice, the sedilia and Easter Sepulchre, and predominantly upon the altar and reredos. The boarded wagon roof is coloured blue and powdered with golden stars to represent the vault of heaven. The free-standing alabaster altar in the centre of the chancel enables Mass to be celebrated facing the people. Designed in about 1900 for Pugin's church at Cotton, it was brought to St. Giles, reduced in length, and placed in its present position in 1990. Hanging over this altar is a particularly fine hexagonal corona of fifteenth century date. It was brought over from the Low Countries in a damaged condition and extensively repaired by Hardman's at the cost of £30 prior to installation at St. Giles in the summer of 1846. The Latin inscription in pierced letters translates: We adore your Cross, O Lord,and we honour your glorious passion; have mercy upon us for whom you have suffered - a clear reference to the rood. Return to the St Giles' Tour
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St Giles is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham - Charity No. 234216
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