Giving to our parish |
The cost of the upkeep of St Giles rests with its parishioners, although donations received from our many visitors make a valuable contribution.
There are different ways in which you can donate to our parish and if you are a UK taxpayer, then you can Gift Aid your donation. The parish will then re-claim a further 25% of your donation from the tax-man. Gift Aid can be taken out at any time of the year. It is a valuable source of additional income to the parish at no extra cost to donors.
Online Donations
Please use this QR code to give direct to St Giles |
One Off Donations
If you are a visitor to St Giles and would like to give a one off donation, please use one of the donation boxes in church. If you are a UK taxpayer, then please look out for these special envelopes. Just complete the details on the front, place your donation in the envelope and drop it in the donations box within the church. |
Weekly Offering
If you are a parishioner and attend Mass at one of our 2 churches, then we can let you have a supply of Weekly Offertory Envelopes, or you could make your donation by Standing Order. Please download the Gift Aid Declaration and drop it in at the Parish Office. One of our Gift Aid organisers will contact you. |
Do you do your shopping online?
If so, you can raise money for St Giles, without it costing you a penny. St Giles has joined TheGivingMachine which will allow you to generate extra cash for St Giles. Over 8000 schools & charities take part in this program, with the successful causes raising £1,000’s every year at no extra cost to their supporters! TheGivingMachine is a UK registered charity, whose sole aim is to facilitate raising money for UK charitable causes and schools. By shopping online via TheGivingMachine at your favourite shops will generate a free cash donation with every single purchase. With stores like Amazon, Ebay, M&S, NEXT, Tesco, Sainsbury and John Lewis taking part with hundreds more, you are bound to find what you want from your favourite shops at TheGivingMachine. It’s quick and simple to sign up and start giving for free, just visit and join to support St Giles. It really is as simple as that. Please ensure you don’t miss this opportunity to give while you are shopping and help spread the word to raise as much as we can. Funeral collections
Many people choose to ask for donations to St Giles instead of funeral flowers. Funeral directors are usually happy to arrange this at your request. We can also provide you with envelopes for your family and friends to complete, helping us make the most of your donations with Gift Aid. |
Wills & Bequests
Our parishes have benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have remembered the parish in their Wills. Is this something that you could consider? If you would like to leave a gift in your Will to St Giles, follow the steps below:
Our parishes have benefited greatly in the past from the thoughtfulness of parishioners who have remembered the parish in their Wills. Is this something that you could consider? If you would like to leave a gift in your Will to St Giles, follow the steps below:
- Work out the value of your estate
- Ensuring that you include property, investments and any debts.
- Choose your beneficiaries
- Choose the people or charities you would like to remember in your Will (some may chose to leave a percentage of their estate to St Giles, to ensure that their loved ones are provided for first).
The different types of gift you can leave are:
Residuary gift
This is what remains of your estate, once other gifts and payments have been made, meaning that you are able to choose what proportion of your estate is left to friends, family or charity. |
Pecuniary gift
This is a set amount of money, the value of which may decrease over time due to inflation. |
Specific gift
A particular item, this could be anything from a piece of jewellery to property. |
Choose your executors
Appoint the individuals responsible for ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. They will be named in your Will. It's a good idea to name at least 2 people as executors. Before doing so, check they are happy for you to do this. You can name a bank or solicitor as an executor if you wish.
Arrange to see a solicitor
It's important to ask a legal professional to draw up your Will to ensure your wishes are properly carried out. Make sure your solicitor uses our full charity details in your Will.
Our full name, address and registered charity number is:
St Giles Catholic Church, Cheadle, part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham a charity registered in England and Wales no. 234216.
Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, ST10 1ED.
Appoint the individuals responsible for ensuring that your wishes are fulfilled. They will be named in your Will. It's a good idea to name at least 2 people as executors. Before doing so, check they are happy for you to do this. You can name a bank or solicitor as an executor if you wish.
Arrange to see a solicitor
It's important to ask a legal professional to draw up your Will to ensure your wishes are properly carried out. Make sure your solicitor uses our full charity details in your Will.
Our full name, address and registered charity number is:
St Giles Catholic Church, Cheadle, part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham a charity registered in England and Wales no. 234216.
Parish Office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, ST10 1ED.
Suggested wording
Residuary legacy
"I give all (or …% of) the residue of my estate to St Giles Catholic Church, Cheadle, a charity registered in England and Wales (234216) parish office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, ST10 2AQ for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Parish Priest shall be sufficient discharge to my executors." |
Pecuniary or specific legacies
"I give to St Giles Catholic Church, Cheadle, a charity registered in England and Wales (234216) parish office: 18 Charles Street, Cheadle, Stoke on Trent, ST10 2AQ the sum of £_______ (or item) for its general purposes. I declare that the receipt of the Parish Priest shall be sufficient discharge to my executors." |
Keep your Will somewhere safe
Your solicitor will often look after it for you, but you may wish to retain your own copy too. Tell a relative or close friend where the original copy of your Will is stored.
Your solicitor will often look after it for you, but you may wish to retain your own copy too. Tell a relative or close friend where the original copy of your Will is stored.
St Giles is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham - Charity No. 234216
Website by Gabriel Media Limited